Re: help!! (POA)
lindalloo, on host
Tuesday, September 23, 2003, at 19:13:52
help!! (POA) posted by kk77 on Monday, September 22, 2003, at 16:53:52:
> so i try to turn the power conduits, and i can't. i don't have a supply room card for some reason, and i am at a loss. someone help me please!! here's my inventory: briefcase, employment papers, ID card, my passcard, washcloth, plastic cup, round pot, small mirror, crowbar, light tube, iso officer cap, fire extin., pet snacks, business card, gold necklace. > > ps. i already gave the scientist the nickel, but he didn't give me anything, i just get to talk to him now. thanks guys.
I think you may have to get the conduit job behind you, before you can progress much more. there are many, many, many posts written on the subject. check them out !