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Re: Adventures With Sam: RinkUnion IV
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Monday, August 11, 2003, at 12:59:28
In Reply To: Adventures With Sam: RinkUnion IV posted by Sam on Monday, August 11, 2003, at 11:08:14:

> but Zarniwoop loved the stuff...(Moxie)

I did NOT. I merely thought it more drinkable than some things I've been exposed to, such as brine, gin, and Irn-Bru.

> James got a bingo chip for confessing to have the least correct answers, and his sheet was pretty interesting: most of the squares were filled in with "bacon." Leen's favorite word ("hungee") was given as "Hungee for bacon!"

You forgot the sketch of Jabba the Hutt on the back. Jabba desires bacon. Feed him.

> Before the break for lunch, I did another quickie contest for...I forget the prize, but you had to write down all the RinkWorks features you could (acronyms permitted) in thirty seconds. I don't remember who won it, either, and I really should have written this up sooner.

The prize was an Official RinkWorks make-up dish, which is sitting next to yours truly, who won with 11.

>...Issachar and The Scotsman, who seemed to be the most outwardly enthusiastic viewers, to the point where Iss started brainstorming the creation of a Sinbad board game the next day, with help from The Scotsman, Grishny, and several others.

Who mostly drifted away once the discussion got more serious. Aside from myself, who you can credit with inventing the sleep scale and its function, among other things.

> Somehow, we all got there anyway. The Grishnies (and Gahalyn, who was staying at their house) were last even though they were the ones without the bad directions. We had no problems finding a large enough area and a grill. There was a chess tournament going on across one of the ponds, and a ways in front of us was a nice scenic view of the (brown) Ohio River and Kentucky across the way. I had stocked up on Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Code Red, and 7up when 12-packs when on sale for $2 (!) back home, so I loaded up our cooler with those and some left-over Moxie, almost all of which, I think, was consumed by Zarniwoop, who is clearly not right in the head.

And it took you this long to figure it out? One of the cans remains in our fridge, undrunk. I plan to sneak it into the ManUre dressing room just before they play us, disguised as a bottle of Gatorade.

> We were short on lawn games; I intended to bring some quoits down and only realized the day before we left that my set of quoits is at my parents' house. But there was a frisbee, which I don't think hit any cars despite some close calls, and there was a beach ball, too, which seemed to gravitate toward those of us who were not playing.

The Beach Ball Game:

Players: Minimum of six, but more is desirable.

Equipment: One beach ball. It is also desirable for obstacles such as park benches, trees, and non-players to be in close proximity. If it is possible, at least one player should be sitting on/standing on or in/crouching behind/whatever with each obstacle.

The Play: One player hits the ball in the air towards another player. The object is to keep the ball in the air as long as possible, while forcing the other players to make themselves look as silly as possible while trying to keep the ball up. If it bounces, it shall be picked up and play shall restart. Bonus scores are given for hitting other people nearby, based on how funny it is.

The Winner: The winner is the person who wins.

> Well, there's only eleven or twelve more months until the next one.

Boo. Too long.

I'm also sure that those of us who will be spending large amounts of cash to attend would appreciate a date and location being given rather sooner than last year, so we can make plans and book flights a lot earlier, thus ensuring we'll get cheaper prices.

Zarn"hint hint"iwoop

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