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Re: Adventures With Sam: Once Upon a Time In the Midwest
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2003, at 07:33:56
In Reply To: Adventures With Sam: Once Upon a Time In the Midwest posted by Sam on Monday, July 28, 2003, at 21:20:43:

> If there had been a chance, I would have taken his picture and had him autograph it, but it turned out that this would happen consistently. The moment we'd put our blinkers on (in Massachusetts, this means, "We are already swerving into your lane of traffic, so I hope for your sake you are already slamming on your brakes.") every single car on the road -- and I mean EVERY SINGLE CAR WITHIN LIKE TWO MILES -- automatically drifted out of our way and motioned for us to go basically whenever the heck we wanted, because, hey, life is short, and we love our fellow Man.

See why I say Ohio rules? :-)

>Western Ohio looks like a giant pool table. It is green and flat as a pancake. You can see for forever in western Ohio, which explains why famous, when she last visited us, said she got claustrophobic when she opted for the scenic route and found herself on forested back roads in Vermont. The closeness of one's field of vision is nothing to us, but it sure contrasts with Ohio.

Ok.. I definitely wouldn't use the word "opted". That was a horrific drive for me. You constantly feel like people are going to come out of the trees and attack your car, so you speed up only to have to slow down immediately because the road is so darn twisted that you can't see more than 20 feet in front of you at any one time.

>Bob Evans. We ate there with famous later in the week, and it was indeed very good, although it was hard to tell, because at the table next to us was a kid that was screaming at the top of her lungs the entire time we were there, and all we wanted to do was eat fast and get the heck out of there.

I generally don't tolerate this kind of thing in public, but I don't like to embarrass people I'm with. However, had I been alone I would've turned around and asked those parents to take the kid outside or to the bathroom or something. It was the most ridiculous thing ever. NO ONE should let there kid continue to scream like that. Starting is something they can't control. But ending it for the rest of us was a choice they should've made.

> This place is called White Castle.

LOL at the whole White Castle description. There are some things I should've told you.
1) If you don't like onions, or can't at least tolerate them, this is not the place for you.
2) You can't -- CAN NOT -- think of the burgers as burgers in any sense that you know them. That tends to ruin the experience because they are not anything like what McDonalds, BurgerKing or Wendy's makes. And they weren't intended to be.
3) I've never seen the cheeseburgers, but I'm betting the cheese is no good anyway. Stick with hamburgers or the chicken burgers or the ever popular jalapino burgers.
4) Who eats fries at White Castle???? That's just wrong.
5) I'm not the one who coined the sliders term. It's actually Slyders (tm), which was thought up by the company itself. We tend to call them murder-burgers as often as we call them Slyders. hehe.

fam"excellent descriptions Sam"ous

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