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Netflix & Farscape
Posted By: Balanthalus, on host
Date: Monday, July 14, 2003, at 13:17:08

I go, I come back . . .

I've had a Netflix membership for a while now, and I've used it to start watching the Sopranos, which I had never seen before since I've never had HBO. It's been pretty easy to watch on DVD, since the episodes are all home delivered, there are four on each DVD, and all of the episodes are in order. (I did, however, have to delay starting season 2 as the first disc had a status of "very long wait" for a while)

I decided to start watching Farscape, a show I've never really followed, from the beginning, but I'm running into a problem.

There are 2 episodes on most discs, and the first few are spaced really weird. Disc 1 has the premiere and episode *7*. Disc 2 has 2&4. Disc 3 has 3&6, and Disc 4 contains 5&8. So to watch the first eight episodes in proper order, I'd need all 4 discs out at the same time. Thing is, unless I shell out an additional $10 a month, I only get 3 at a time. I checked, and after disc 4 the episodes are pretty much in order, but I'm not sure what to do before then. Maybe someone who's seen the series can advise me.

Should I just watch 1-4 and 6-7 and skip episode 5 ("PK Tech Girl") for now? Are the early episodes connected by a common plot thread or do they all pretty much stand on their own?

Your comments, as always, are stupid.

I mean, appreciated.

Bal"Temping for the summer"anthalus

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