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Re: Three
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 07:37:33
In Reply To: Re: Three posted by Wedge on Wednesday, June 4, 2003, at 22:59:30:

I can see it now, me sittin in a rockin chair with little Timmy in my lap saying "Yep, when I was a youngster I remember when everyday cars could only go 90 mph. And the gas prices were only 1.40 a gallon! And when we watched Sitcoms, they were on this machine called a television." Geez, think how far technology will go when I get that age. Something to think about that's for sure. G'day!
> Wedge "man, I'm gettin old! lol!" Antilles

I understand that completely. I was born in 1933 when airplanes carried about 12 passengers max, and flew a hundred miles or so before stopping to refuel. Trains burned coal and trailed big clouds of stinking black smoke. There were no cars with automatic transmission, or air conditioning. Nothing was air conditioned. Tires were made of natural rubber with cotton threads and they blew out easily. The most popular auto accessory was a heater and electric starters had only recently become standard. Movies were just beginning to talk and color movies were unheard of. Radios were so big they sat on the floor and were taller than the table. You had to string an "airel" outside to a tree or a pole, and in some areas you could only pick up stations at night. Lots of roads were still gravel or even dirt. Television wasn't even in the dictionary. Helicopters were not invented yet, but people traveled in zephlins or autogyros. California, New York, and Chicago were places that existed only in geography books. Weather forecasts were little more than guesswork. I went for years at a time without seeing my grand parents, who lived in a neighboring state. We made most of our toys.

But my grand kids like to hear stories of the old days, and yours will too.

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