Re: frustrated about pheicryn!!!
lindalloo, on host
Sunday, May 25, 2003, at 19:48:29
frustrated about pheicryn!!! posted by yuu on Sunday, May 25, 2003, at 19:20:58:
> OK, I've read all of the messages posted on defeating pheicryn, and I've tried everything, and I still can't defeat pheicryn. I can get it to the murder hole, and kick it, and I do this a million times, but it still won't die! Am I forgetting something, or do I just have to be verrrrrrrrrrrry persistant?
since you've read all the previous posts, by now you know it isn't easy ! what's more important is to track the order you do what in. once you get it back in the hole, track which moves you try. next time try alternate moves. eventually, you'll get the right combination. hope this helps !
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