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Re: Vague ponderings on the English language
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Sunday, May 25, 2003, at 13:41:22
In Reply To: Vague ponderings on the English language posted by Sigi on Sunday, May 25, 2003, at 13:23:45:

> What was the point of Person 2 saying "Really?" It implies that he did not believe what Person 1 was saying, and is checking that he's not being lied to. The expression "That's interesting" or "Do go on" would have worked much better, without implying this dishonesty. Of course, if Person 2 really *didn't* believe that Person 1 was telling the truth, then it would have made some sense - but in real life, he'd be much more likely to be very circumlocutory in order to *avoid* giving the impression that he thought Person 1 was lying. He'd say something like "Are you sure about that?"

It's like saying, "You're kidding!" when you believe the person you're talking to is telling the truth. The implication isn't that the person is a liar, but what he's telling you is weird enough so as to be slightly difficult to believe.


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