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Re: The Evils of Gaming
Posted By: knivetsil, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 16:22:14
In Reply To: Re: The Evils of Gaming posted by Brunnen-G on Monday, May 12, 2003, at 15:08:54:

> No offense to your teacher, but that seems to be one of those phrases that sounds cool but has no point when you really look at it. *Every* religion is a way of life. If it isn't, it's a hobby or something, not a religion.

I am a Christian, but I agree with Brunnen-G in that Christianity is a religion. To me, a religion is a set of beliefs involving the divine or supernatural. Christianity certainly fits this definition, and I feel this way even though many in my church say otherwise.

I think people say that Christianity is not a religion because most religions serve as an attempted mechanism for attaining spiritual wholeness, salvation, divinity, moral justification, or eternal life. In other words, in most religions, you do stuff to guarantee your spiritual well-being.

In Christianity, however, we believe that the work is already done for us. We don't have to *do* anything to earn our salvation because Jesus has already paid the price. All we have to do is to just accept it. I suppose that's what differentiates Christianity from other religions, and maybe why some say that Christianity is not a religion.

As for the "way of life" part, I do believe that it is "one of those phrases that sounds cool but has no point when you really look at it." It is true that every religion comes with its own lifestyle. You know, the saying "Christianity is not a religion. It's a way of life." was never, as far as I know (and someone correct me if I'm wrong), mentioned or implied in the Bible.

On that note, there are a number of false "Christian" teachings out there. Take, for example, the common saying "God will never put before you a task you cannot do." Of course He will! How else can you learn to have faith in His wisdom and power and love? The ACTUAL teaching was "God will never put before you a temptation you cannot resist." This is true, because God wouldn't bail you out of temptation if you were to ever be in over your head, because He usually won't directly interfere with decisions of individuals. Therefore, He won't put a temptatiion before you that you cannot resist. So, what I'm trying to say, I guess, is to watch out for false teachings (and teachers!) that can mislead you and seriously mess you up.


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