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Re: POA - variations (compare to TOA)....MINOR SPOILERS
Posted By: Maggie, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 06:17:46
In Reply To: Re: POA - variations (compare to TOA)....MINOR SPOILERS posted by gremlinn on Saturday, May 10, 2003, at 21:04:44:

> > does anyone know how many variations are in PoA, akin to choosing different classes in ToA? I'm aware of the "cat option" but how many others? Comments?

> (snippage) The second is that a certain item can be found in two possible places. If you've played through most of the game, you might be able to think of an item which you can acquire almost immediately, but which you don't *have* to acquire until very very late...and if you do put off getting it, it's impossible to reach the location where you'd normally get it. So to handle that, I had the item get moved to a more accessible location after a certain point in the story.

Ah. Late in the game I examined one particular area several times without finding anything of interest. Reflecting on this fact and the unproductive location I believe I know which object it is.

> The third difference is only slightly more interesting than the first two, but it's a secret (more difficult to find than GOA's secret area). And the reason it will remain a secret is an even bigger secret. So in lieu of having a secret area, I guess POA has a secret event scene. I think Sam saw it during testing (maybe by looking through the code), but as far as I know no player has ever come across it.

Good teaser - how about a teensy hint? (vbg)

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