Re: Something I've been wondering (depression, ADD etc)
teach, on host
Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 18:21:26
Something I've been wondering (depression, ADD etc) posted by Brunnen-G on Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 12:47:25:
To clarify, first of all I would like everyone to understand that I have no medical training. I am a teacher who works with special needs kids, though, and I have had a lot of experience with those who suffer from ADD, ADHD, and mental illnesses including depression and bi-polar disorder.
> Even after being around this place for years, it still surprises me every time I find out that yet another regular here suffers from depression, ADD or other ... well, I don't really want to say "mental illness",
As I understand it, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are not classically considered mental illnesses, but are rather a behavioural issue. For most students with these conditions, learning difficulties are compounded (it's hard to concentrate on Trig. when you're distracted by the lights in the classroom). Depression and bi-polar disorders, as well as other mental illnesses also contribute to making learning difficult.
>Really, is it that prevalent? Am I the only person here who hasn't ever had such a problem?
The answer here is a qualified yes. We do see more students with all of these conditions than we did in the past. There are two possible reasons for this. The first is that the number of people who have these conditions is the same as it has always been, but we now have better identifying and diagnostic techniques that we ever have had before. The second is that there is in fact a marked increase, due to a number of possible reasons - many of which have been the theses of dozens of doctoral candidates. Some suggestions have been made that social causes are the reasons for increases. Other suggestions are that it has been environmental - heavy metal toxicity has been particularly noted as a possibility. (And, to avoid the inevitable jokes, I'm speaking about lead and mercury and stuff, not the music)!
Other learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory processing problems, etc.) also seem to be on the rise - again, for what reason, we don't know. I know you were raised in N.Z., B-G: I wonder if the school system there is still in the place we were about fifteen years ago in Canada, when we still were having difficulties figuring out why kids learned differently, and when we just put those who did in "Tech. Classes", and moved on.
> *Of course, I *do* think Rinkworks is a vast collection of the deranged and socially unacceptable, but not for medical reasons.
te "oddly flattered by that last comment . . . " ach