A Part-Time member Speaks
robbak, on host
Monday, April 14, 2003, at 19:59:30
Forum and RinkChat: A Shifting of the Community posted by Sam on Monday, April 14, 2003, at 13:29:30:
As one of the users of this site's resources, I suppose I should put my opinions on the record. firstly, whenever I am online, you can take it for granted that i will be doing numerous things. I will be catching up with selected comics, assisting anyone that i can on freebsdforums, probably repairing one or more machines, working on a project or such etc. etc, with the whole thing slowed down by a downloading driver or fetching source package. So I am {as an example, I just stopped to enter a w98 licence key, conveniently located between the laptop and it's attatched docking station. I used this window as a scratch pad to note the number}. Now, where was I? Ah yes, so I am often Idle. I often loose track of chat conversation. This is the way I use this site. I also an not a great fan of chatting. It seems to consume time for little reward. So it slips down the prioity scale farily quickly. So I would be one of those who do not contribute much to the comunity. I am not highly concerned about this - My family and physically close friends, as well as fellow believers, have a much higher priority. But I am glad that this is here, I can get an irregular fix of bad jokes etc, and will be happy to be able to continue. rob "Flame me in chat - I might even be listening" bak