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Re: MR: Some general points of technique
Posted By: drbug, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 05:03:47
In Reply To: Re: MR: Some general points of technique posted by gremlinn on Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 12:43:02:

I just finished the one character game and went wizard, knight (for a short time to get some hit points), sorcerer (to get up to FIREBURST), wizard (learned all spells), sorcerer (all spells), assassin. I "cheated" a bit in the beginning, though. After having the wizard wiped out repeatedly at Levels 2 and 3 I used the cash from some long dead Level 1 characters from my first attempt at the game to give me what I needed to resurrect the low level wizard. Turned out I didn't need the cash (for once) but it was a good safety net.
Interesting thing is that I was concerned about how slowly the spell points were accumulating with my assassin but it turns out that I didn't use many spells other than RESTORE on the higher levels. It was faster to hack and slash and use RESTORE than to use multiple QUAKES or CHAOSES. Amazing how many experience points you can get in a single trip using this technique. After I killed Murkon I just kept playing it without resting for a while. Turns out, while facing Murkon I forgot to use certain keys and wanted to see what they could do. Just my $0.02.

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