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Re: Did anyone else see it?
Posted By: Chris, on host
Date: Monday, August 30, 1999, at 21:39:44
In Reply To: Re: Did anyone else see it? posted by Luisa on Wednesday, August 25, 1999, at 07:59:16:

> 'Course, it's gotta be pretty tough up there on TV in front of everyone if you aren't used to it. I remember my first time on stage....
> *sigh* I've only just returned, and I'm already going to start with the embarassing stories about my past. ;)
> 3rd grade: the school spelling bee. I was one of two lucky and hard working students from my class chosen to represent us in front of the whole school, and lots of parents to boot.
> Near the end of the line, I listen to my fellow students correctly spell words like "cave". I think, "No problem". My turn comes around, and the word is "orange". I have no idea how I spelled it, but it sure as heck wasn't o-r-a-n-g-e.

I remember our school spelling bee-- it was a small enough school anyone who wanted could be in it-- when a boy in my class spelled Crayon c-r-a-y-l-o-n, or some variation thereof, I seem to remember more wrong letters, and for the life of him couldn't figure out why they marked him wrong. We had to explain it to him later in the classroom, amid fits of giggles.