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Re: FQ2
Posted By: mandichaos, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 13:16:09
In Reply To: Re: FQ2 posted by mandichaos on Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 13:14:09:

> >
> > > >
> > > > Dingbat, you won't believe! Been in cave (both entrances) the middle, clown, puddle, swam to rock wall, swam to there some item I need and don't have? I have back flipped, bonked things, listened, ran for my life...feelin pretty dumb hre!
> > >
> > > *deletes her initial response to this*
> > >
> > > Wow, I'm glad I had the sense to search the boards before posting or I'd have looked like a doofus. :) Anyway...
> > >
> > > Sounds like you're going around in the cave near the chasm. Are you the same bmiduri who was facing off against the giraffe before? If so, that cave's useless now. Dingbat was referring to the pitch-dark cave that's accessible from the giraffe's valley.
> > >
> > > If not and you're just starting, the major item you get from the cave this time around is the iron support and the bottle from the clown (when you make him happy again). If you just got the iron support and haven't solved the clown's issues yet, don't bother with that cave for now.
> > >
> > > -Mandi
> > > (ALWAYS look for another way up!)
> >
> > Yep..that's me....trying to "get" the giraffe. I have been to the pitch black cave and got nowhere...and now i have trouble finding it again (dingbat said to leave and go back, which I have done and still can't get back to the dark cave)....okay...i thought the cave near the chasm and the dark one could be the same cave...approached from different ends. I did have the support, made the clown happy with his nose, got his bottle and went from I think I am finished with that cave. However...I just can't get the combo of the rooms...i have no idea what i am supposed to be doing...finding the giraffe from the cave, obviously, but I can't get myself out of there.....argh.
> Here's how you map the dark cave. I'm going to give you an EXAMPLE - anything more will be a spoiler and grem or Sam will delete it before you can blink. This scenario is made-up, I'm not giving it away.
> Say you're in a pitch dark room. Mark it on your map.
> Your map looks like this: (the 1 represents the first room)
> 1
> 1) You try going NORTH - same screen appears, with the message "You bonk into a wall." (Well, that means you're in the same room and can't go north.)
> 2) You try going EAST - same screen appears, with the message "You bonk into a wall." (Well, that means you're in the same room and can't go south.)

Gah! Last word should be "east," not "south." But you get the idea, right?


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