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Re: murkon's refuge--level 4
Posted By: macrinus7, on host
Date: Saturday, December 28, 2002, at 16:30:12
In Reply To: murkon's refuge--level 4 posted by lyliac on Saturday, December 28, 2002, at 13:58:13:

> I killed the person who had the gatekeeper's key and i stupidly sent the rest of my party to kill monsters to get more gold. can i battle the gatekeeper again for another key or is all hope lost?

Have you tried resurrecting the character who has the key? If that's not an option, then leave the body behind next time you go for the key. I can't speak from experience, but if there's no one with that key in your party, then you should be able to get a duplicate.

You could always have your dead character sell the key at an equipment shop -- then you can be assured of getting a replacement. Yes, the dead characters can conduct business at the shops; after all, it's a fantasy game.

mac "never been in that situation myself" rinus7

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