Re: Did anyone else see it?
Darien, on host
Wednesday, August 25, 1999, at 11:48:25
Re: Did anyone else see it? posted by Luisa on Wednesday, August 25, 1999, at 07:59:16:
> *sigh* I've only just returned, and I'm already going to start with the embarassing stories about my past. ;)
Coincidentally, I think it was yesterday that I said something along the lines of "Luisa will be back soon." Welcome back.
> Near the end of the line, I listen to my fellow students correctly spell words like "cave". I think, "No problem". My turn comes around, and the word is "orange". I have no idea how I spelled it, but it sure as heck wasn't o-r-a-n-g-e.
A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) and I were sitting around awhile ago reading the names of the colors on the color samplers you get from paint stores (don't ask), and she got a fairly simple one: orange. She proceeded to say "arnge." Then she shook her head, too another try, and said "ornge." She looked up at me in desperation and said "I can't say orange."
The proper response is, of course, "yes you can, dear."