Re: FQ1: Royal Garden guard, missing boat, and other problems
lindalloo, on host
Thursday, December 26, 2002, at 16:04:17
FQ1: Royal Garden guard, missing boat, and other problems posted by Christin on Wednesday, December 25, 2002, at 21:13:25:
> I seem to have hit a roadblock. I can ride the unicorn to what I'm assuming is the royal gardens, but I apparently don't have what the guard wants. It seems he wants a weapon from what I've read on these boards, but what exactly is he looking for? > > I've given that stupid soothsayer three gold coins; is the fourth one in that garden where I can't get to it? > > In the enchanted forest, I've killed the goblin, the vampire, and the wood sprite, had a drink with the dwarf, been mocked by the pixies, been ignored by the sphinx, fed the stupid rabbit, and given my ticket to the elf numerous times. What am I missing? > > Also, I'd found the boat, and I even had the gold key to turn it on. However, I didn't realize the significance of my find at the time and didn't bother making a note of where I found it. I don't remember what I did with it (it was late at night when I played) but what I DIDN'T do with it was fish. Now, I'm fishless and boatless. Where can I find these, especially since I've already untied the boat and I don't think I retied it anywhere? > > My inventory: > Sack > Carrot > Rope > Branch > Silver Key > Gold Key > Sword (for the second time) > Shovel > Hammer > Nails > Bow > Arrow > Fishing pole (but no idea where the boat went) > Club (beaten down the wall) > Ticket (used it) > Sunstone (petrified the troll) > Leaves (but no supposed sorcerer; where's he?) > > Random yes-or-no questions: is there any significance in the game to... > The tractor in the toolshed? > The dog on the volcano? > The log in the road? > The dwarf drinking ale in the enchanted forest? > Those darn giggly pixies? > > Any help (in hints OR spoilers; I like both) would be VERY appriciated!
I think you can find what you need for the guard at the farm. fishing doesn't have to be done from a boat, right ? just takes patience. hope this helps