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Re: That weird thing there? It's called a lift...
Posted By: Bourne, on host
Date: Thursday, December 19, 2002, at 02:20:56
In Reply To: That weird thing there? It's called a lift... posted by Beasty on Wednesday, December 18, 2002, at 14:14:55:

>He waited until I moved and then leaned over and pressed three again. By this time the doors had closed and the lift was moving. Pressing it again wasn't going to make it move any faster. He even lingered on it, making absolutely sure that that button knew it had been pressed.

This happens at pedestrian crossings, too. I think if someone presses the button more than 5 times, or holds their finger on it for more than 3 seconds, they should be immolated on the spot.

It's extreme, I know, but fair. They certainly won't do it again.

I've started pointing the futility of it out to people now, though. Especially if they press the button *right after* I press it. A quick "Thank you! I'm sure that *really* helped speed the cycle along!" usually makes me feel better.

>She then looked up at me with an expression of utmost surprise that anyone could have the temerity to be inside waiting to get out of a lift she was waiting to get into.

People do this to me when I'm trying to get off of trains, and I find it incredibly annoying. I hate the way that if one ignorant person pushes their way on, then that instantly gives them the right to all try and get on as well. If I had my way I'd electrify the "Daily Mail" rack and there would be no idiots left to bother me.

>Is it me or people just not that clued up about how lifts work and how to use them?

I'm often amazed that mankind has managed to get as far as descending from the trees, at times. What really annoys me is the general assumption of almost everyone I meet that the Earth revolves around them and that pushing someone out of the way or inconveniencing other people is somehow justified because they are in a bit of a hurry.

Perhaps I'm being a bit cynical.


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