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Re: Makes my apartment smell MOSSSSYYY!!
Posted By: Chris, on host
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999, at 13:18:55
In Reply To: Re: Makes my apartment smell MOSSSSYYY!! posted by Byron on Sunday, August 22, 1999, at 12:57:53:

> Ha! I definitely know how you feel. Me and my friend muse on this every day. Ever hear music and you have no idea where it's coming from? We like to pretend it's some kind of score to the movie that is our lives. I wonder, if, when I die, somehow, somewhere, there will be credits scrolling......

So, your passing will be marked by people up and leaving? Isn't that a litte pretentious? Like, as soon as you go, there's nothing else to see? Sorry, but you're confusing yourself with me.

Chr"the official center of every universe"is