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Marvin's Highly Anticipated RinkUnion 3 Report
Posted By: Marvin, on host
Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 21:01:26

Yeah, so this is running late. I'm rather unmotivated at time (that and that whole college idea got in the way a few times). But here's my highly anticipated RU3 report.

Friday, August 16th

Well, ok, so I woke at around 7 or so and got ready to go. My mom is driving me to the airport, but my sisters and their friend are also going along (something about clothes shopping or something silly like that). So we get going a little after 7:30. I try to sleep a little, but about half ways there I can't sleep anymore. So I listen to music (for those interested, Final Fantasy IX soundtrack and Oasis) until we arrive at the airport at 10. I stand in line for a half hour and check in, then walk all the way down to my terminal (which happens to be way at the other end of the airport, of course). So in the meantime I grab some pizza and play some video games. About a half hour before the flight takes off, we can finally board the plane, so I get in line. So of course, I get randomly check for random bombs and weapons of mass destruction. I empty my pockets and she scans me. It goes off over my knee. I take out a quarter that I had forgotten about. Also, the thing goes off as it scans my shoes, so I have to take them off so she can inspect them closer.

But, yeah, I eventually get on the plane and find my seat for what is certain to be an uneventful flight. We left, I had a turkey sandwich, I listened to music (a burned CD and another Oasis one), I read, I spy with my little eye the Grand Canyon and a forest fire outside the plane as we fly by, the plane landed, we're all happy. I get off (of course, I'm at the opposite end of the airport from the baggage claim) and go to the information counter (I have all of my luggage with me, so no need to go to the actual baggage claim area) and ask them to locate the bus to the Days Inn Hotel Circle for me. Turns out the bus is like just waiting out there for someone, so I get on. The bus is waiting for a group of four or something silly like that. So we drive to another terminal and there they are, so now we're finally on our way to the hotel.

I get there and get off the bus, and as I start walking towards the lobby, I get POINGED by Lynette. After surviving the poinging, I go into the lobby and see a bunch of people who I cannot recall at the moment. So I check in so grem and I can drop off our stuff in our rooms. Also, as we're going to our rooms, we meet Stephen and stuff (who's on the third floor) and tells me to stand below him so he can jump on my head. So I do, then he chickens out. Wimp. So anyways, I come back out from our room and hear that a bunch of people (Stephen, Mia, Lynette, famous, and Sarya) are going to see Signs, so I join them. We walk to a local mall complex and get tickets for the 3:20 show. Since we have about an hour to waste, we shop for a while. Finally, its time for the movie. It was an ok movie, but the ending was kinda predicable (but Lynette freaked out a bunch at parts. Good thing I wasn't sitting next to her). So on the way back to the hotel Lynette and I talk theater stuff while everyone else is really far behind (Slackers). At this point, I am hungry (since I haven't eaten for about ever and my stomach is still on central time). So we get back to the hotel and Faux Pas and Tamara are there and stuff. We went into someone's room and we talked for a while, and I keep pointed out that I'm hungry. So we all finally decide it'd be a good idea to go eat (finally). So I got in Stephen's car, he takes a wrong turn somewhere, but we finally get to the restaurant. I have some spaghetti and we sit around and talk. Eventually, I get tired so I kill some butter and some bread (note: despite what others have said, I killed BOTH the butter and the bread, not just the butter or the bread. Get it right)

So we head back to the hotel once again (and once again, Stephen gets lost). But we eventually find our way back and stuff. We all go into a room again and we play the RinkChat game. I caught on fairly quickly, even though the game lasted longer than advertised (and I had NO quotes. This is an outrage). Finally, at around 11:15, Mousie shows up, and me and FP (I think) help her carry stuff in. Then, all the sudden, everyone but Sam and his crew have arrived. Also at this time is when we get yelled at by Otis (the local security guard) and tells us to, like, be quiet. But he's nice and he opens the pool up for us (insert the 'What's my word' story here). Also, Otis left Stephen in charge for some odd reason. But yeah, we talked for a while then I eventually went to bed, but I managed to pass Sam on the way to my room and stuff. Yeah.

Saturday, August 17th

I woke up at 8 since the convention thingy was scheduled to begin around 9. I'm really fast at getting ready, so I'm ready by 8:15. So I wander around and try to find where we're supposed to be, when I run into Beasty. We locate the room, but it's locked. At this time, I decide to test this penny theory. Supposedly, if Sam sees a penny on the ground, he'll pick it up, so I leave a couple pennies by the stairs. Since the room is locked, I go looking for Sam. I found a bunch of other people and we all wait for Sam. He finally shows at about 8:45 and we go to unlock the room. But luckily, on the way there, he comes across one of my pennies and goes on to give some speech about how we're supposed to pick up pennies or something (little does he know...yet). So we go into the room and begin to congregate. Random stuff is piled on the back table. So I grab a seat in the back near the middle and stuff and wait for it to begin.

Eventually, people begin to figure out what's going on and start showing up to the room. Morris starts passing around his post from the forum about the RU yesterday. Sosiqui gives Sam a bag of hell. We finally get started around 9:30. Ticia, Don, Rose, Faux Pas, and Tamara show up just after 9:30 (but we were passing around presents and stuff, so they didn't miss much). Then Sam talked about how Leen won bunches of awards at a model horse show and stuff. Then he reads some random e-mails and forum posts and such. As he's reading it, our impromptu screen fell down on Sam, and suddenly Ghost of Sam made an appearance. Afterwards, Smarties were passed out, but I didn't like them too much. Kinda like M&Ms, but not as good. So then Sam gave up the floor to Dave, who read a review for IABBBBM, the title of which I can't recall correctly at the moment, but oh well. But I do know that he gave it 4 ½ turkeys, so HA! Then we took a break, so I looked at the books in the back that have featured RinkWorks and stuff (there was even the EGM that had the article that brought me to RinkWorks in the first place. Ah, memories) So, yeah, then we played some memory game (I HATE memory games) and I scored a 35 while grem scored like a seventeen million and there was a three way tie for second so Sam eventually gave away three prizes and stuff. Afterwards, we all decide its time to eat, so we all go to Chile's to eat. Dinner was ok, I kinda forgot that I don't really like Alfredo sauce, so that part of the meal sucked, but everything else was ok.

So we head back to the hotel (slowly but surely). Also, Morris reminded me to type in 'Stephen is gay' here. While we wait for everyone to show up, everyone but me starts throwing the smiley face inflatable balls around and almost break stuff. Ellie shows me her notes at this time too, but mine are so much cooler, since I have them written in this old notebook and because they were written by ME. Then once everyone got back, Stephen showed us Radebur's latest creation, although I can't recall every detail (something about the greatest movie ever and explosions and Jackie Chan). Then Sam gave away more prizes, but none to me, so they don't really matter. Then Brunnen G had some sort of contest that had to do with her AGL game, but since I haven't played it for, like, ever, I didn't win (and grem didn't win either). After that, Lynette read a cool monologue and a pair of poems (I believe). Then Sam read a poem, and then Stephen, Mia, Brunnen G, Dave, and Sarya read the Book-A-Minute version of the Lord of the Rings series and the Hobbit. Then Sosiqui read a poem and ahmocah made grem eat some brain jell-o (or lick, whichever you prefer). Then FP read a poem from Darien, but then Sosiqui read the same poem Valley Girl style to some great laughs. Then Stephen read the Flesh poem. Then I think Dave read the Pain poem. Then people started singing, but I don't have down who sang (although Mia and Lynette sang together I recall). The famous reads a poem, famous and Jake sing, then Jake sings. After that, it was break time again before we watch Sinbad. Rivikah managed to finish the RinkMobile in this time, and it was awesome. Then just before the movie started Dave told Sam about the penny game, but it didn't matter because we still played it anyways (or at least I did). So we finally get around to watching the movie and it was as good as I thought it would be (now I really want to get it off e-bay again). So now we break until 8:30 (when we go to the National Comedy Theater thingy). We hang around for a while, and then we went to the hotel next to us because they are advertising Pizza Hut, but they lied to us and there was no Pizza Hut, so we went back to our hotel and ordered out for pizza and it arrived about 20 minutes before we left. We ate some pizza and then we all piled into random cars so we could go to the National Comedy Theater improve show. I got in a car with Dave, Brunnen_G, Rivikah, and someone else who I can't remember at the moment. We find where we're supposed to be, but there's no where to park. Dave eventually drives over the curb and stuff, and we eventually park about three blocks away. We walk and wait for the thing to open, and it eventually does. We go in and watch the show, and it was funny. I don't remember much at the moment, but other people have written about it too, so, yeah. So we left and we went back to the hotel again. We once again headed to the pool. Lynette did something very silly and jumped in the pool with her clothes on. This event happened at 12:15 a.m. and its all flyingcats fault. Soon after, I became rather tired and went to bed.

Sunday, August 18th

Today, I woke up around 9 and got ready. Slowly but surely, we all got down to the parking lot. We all got in cars and drove down to Seaport village, a place with shops and a carousel and stuff. I rode with Ria's mom and stuff, who was sick or something random like that. So we get out, break into groups, and we go shopping. We bought flyingcats a statue of a flying cat. Then we shop a little more (I buy a necklace, which turns out to be like the only non-food item I buy all weekend). Then some people went on the carousel (I would have gone, but then no one would had been able to watch the bags and stuff). Lynette finds shiny things and she reacted the way we all expected her to. After that, we still had a little time for shopping, so we shopped some more. Lynette and Ria make a prize for a game that they're going to have at the beach. They bought a cup with 'World's Greatest' on it then put a 'Shut Up' sticker on it, then colored the sticker so it said 'Shot Up'. Then, apparently, at this moment, Lynette poinged, but I bet she poinged a lot more than that this weekend. Then suddenly it was 1 so we waited for everyone. While we waited, we climbed a tree. Then we all decided it was time to leave so we piled into random cars and drove to some random beach. I rode with Stephen, because it appeared that he had some idea of where he was going most of the time.

After about a half hour we finally find the beach and a place to park. Some other people are already there and have an area reserved for us and stuff. So we play a little Frisbee for a while (with official RinkWorks and Planet Earth Frisbees too). Eventually, everyone shows up and we start playing games and stuff. Jake apparently bought some sort of kite and was flying it. A bunch of other people and me were playing RinkBall (think Calvinball), and that was fun. Then some people went swimming, and since I had never really been in the ocean, I went with, although I only got my feet wet. We also apparently found sand crabs and stuff in the sand, which was also nifty. Then I went back after a while and waited for the food to get done. Just as I was going to get food, Gabby finally shows up. He stupidly gives Lynette pixie sticks (I think this was his evil plan all along). Then we ate burgers and such. After we got done eating, Ticia and Don had to go, so it was group picture time. After about a dozen pictures, we were done. At this point, it was getting cloudy and windy and kinda looking like it was going to rain, but that's when the fun started.

RWF (RinkWorks Wrestling Federation) presents LIVE, August 18th


Opening Match: Dave vs. Stephen

This match has been a long time in the making, with a heated rivalry between Dave and Stephen grow, like, all weekend. They battle back and forth and eventually Dave puts Stephen in a sleeper and he passes out (who loses to a sleeper hold?) giving Dave the hard fought victory in the opening match.

Women's Match: Lynette vs. Cynthia

Eh, typically women's match, a lot of rolling around on the ground and stuff. I don't think there as a true winner in this match, although Lynette maybe be considered the 'winner' in some minds.

MAIN EVENT: Sam vs. Brunnen G

Another big battle, with Brunnen G manhandling Sam for most of the match. However, Sam eventually got the upper hand, pinned Brunnen G, and I counted the 1,2,3 to give the victory to Sam.

POST-MATCH: Jaguar appears out of nowhere and attacks Sam. After a bit of battling, security eventually breaks things up, but Sam appears to be injured.


So, anyways, after that whole mess, we just kinda clump together and talk a bunch and stuff. Eventually, we all pack it up and pile back into vehicles and go back to the hotel. Stephen finds the ultimate shortcut back to the hotel and we're back in like 10 minutes. We hang around in Dave's room and Stephen received the Goth treatment (very scary). Then we headed to a different room. Between 9 and 10, Lynette, grem, FP, Tamara, and Eric all leave for home. Since I was tired and I needed to get up early in the morning, I went to be at about 11.

Monday, August 19th

Well, I wake up at 9:15 so I can pack up and check out of the hotel room. I'm packed up and checked out by 9:30. Since I have time to spare (the bus for the airport leaves at 10), I talk with Sam, Ellie, Rivikah, Mia, and Stephen to pass the time. Eventually, they go and I wait for the bus (apparently, the guy didn't know the bus was supposed to leave at 10, but I got a ride to the airport anyways). When I got to the airport, there were like no lines at all (I'm used to a half hour wait). I bet it took like 5 minutes to check in, go through security, and find my terminal (which was right next to the security checkpoint and stuff) and I had an hour and a half to burn. I tried looking for other Rinkies, but I didn't find any. Eventually, I went and got some decent lunch and then sat and waited for my flight. I got on my flight, sit back, listen to music, and read during the flight back. My plane lands, I find my dad, we drive home, yada yada yada. And that's my RU3 report.

Yeah, these things get quite long after a while (which probably explains the lack of detail from Sunday on. Or it could be the lack of note coupled with it being like 2 weeks since I was there).

Mar '5 pages and 3,076 words. How fun' vin

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