Re: GOA again
bandaids, on host
Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 15:17:34
Re: GOA again posted by Natealator on Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 12:47:59:
> > Just think of who crafts things out of metal. > > I had tried him numerous times before posting, and I could only ask him for a sword or armor. > > > > Do you know why you took the picture from the banquet hall? If not, check out that building to the north *SOUTH* of town thoroughly. To find out what the deal is with its inhabitants, go talk to someone you helped out earlier. Things will start falling into place the more you ponder this new info. > > I had done all this before. > > > The building is to the south of town, and I believe you have to know about the gwuils order to be able to take the picture in the first place. > > I think so too, and I did know about them, and given them much thought, but I was still stuck. > > Anyway, I talked to the blacksmith one more time, and it worked! It might have been because I tried one more time, or probably because I closed IE and opened it again before trying again. > > Thank you.
Try talking to the bartender at the tavern about the gwuils.
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