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Mr. Clark Goes To Washington
Posted By: TOM, on host
Date: Thursday, July 18, 2002, at 12:57:35

Tomorrow morning, I get on a plane and head off to Washington, DC. I'll spend the weekend at Lynette's house (which will include meeting up with Cobra and Gahalia at the zoo this Saturday), and then on Sunday I'm going over to George Washington University for the beginning of Young America Foundation's National Conservative Student Conference. This is a week long conference where I get to listen to a bunch of conservative speakers, and go see Cool Stuff, such as a trip to Capitol Hill for some sort of Congressional briefing, as well as a trip over to the White House for an administration briefing, and be in the audience for an edition of CNN's "Crossfire." The speakers at the conference will include people such as Ted Nugent(!), Pat Buchanan, and Ann Coulter. I'm very much looking foward to it.

Hopefully, I'm not expected to write and hand in a 5-page paper detailing my trip. If that's the case, I may have to drop this course and replace it with AOLChat 101. At least I know that course would be a breeze. ;-P

In any case, I won't be around for a whiles. Don't burn the house down while I'm gone, kiddies.

The Other "They'd just better make sure they keep me away from any combination involving me, Tom Daschle, and opportunity. ;-)" Matthew

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