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My method
Posted By: Platypi007, on host
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2002, at 21:25:32
In Reply To: GAAAAH Hotmail posted by Sigi on Saturday, July 13, 2002, at 07:15:42:

I have multiple e-mail addresses.

One I use to sign up for stuff, and one I use to get e-mail at (I probably shouldn't use that one on the forum here, but I do) I also keep my junkmail setting on high, I havn't had but two instances of it sending real mail there, and that was because they were to multiple recipiants, so I added the senders to my addybook, no more probs.

Also having some numbers in your login name helps, some of the spam is sent out by bots that send to various e-mail addresses at random.

And I suppose along those lines, using something less widely used, like rinkmail, would help. Hotmail and yahoo and the like would be targets for spam before rinkmail. :)

I'm going to start using the e-mail I get from my website though soon.

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