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Re: Unpatriotic Draftdogers
Posted By: Sigi, on host
Date: Saturday, July 6, 2002, at 02:08:47
In Reply To: Re: Unpatriotic Draftdogers posted by TOM on Friday, July 5, 2002, at 12:52:35:

> You *can't* implement Communism as Marx intended because it makes too many incorrect assumptions about mankind, the biggest, of course, being that men would gladly sacrifice all incentive to do better in exchange for security. I for one would rather live knowing I have the chance for a Really Big House and Some Fast Cars at the risk of Living Under A Bridge With the Rats than live knowing I will never have anything more than this Ordinary, Average House with an Ordinary Average Car and an Ordinary Average Paycheck. People like me, and the majority of humanity, are why Communism will never, ever work.
> Unless you kill us all.
> Or we all get talked into obligatory military service and kill each other.
OK, absolutely my LAST post on this subject, before I dig myself into a hole that is far too big. I don't support Communism (I should have been even MORE emphatic about its problems). The only thing I was actually using it for was as an illustration that national boundaries don't have to stay up all the time, and that there is another way. I don't know how it would work in practice. Any good political philosophers around here?

Si-"the Capitommunist"-gi

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