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Re: Unpatriotic Draftdogers
Posted By: TOM, on host
Date: Friday, July 5, 2002, at 13:11:31
In Reply To: Re: Unpatriotic Draftdogers posted by Mia on Friday, July 5, 2002, at 12:53:04:

> > I don't know, but if the situation arose, a patriotic brave souled soldier (which I seem to find very few on this board, or even future soldiers) would protect him with his life.
> My point was that most people who die for their country do not die sacrificing themselves for some higher cause, like saving the President, General, etc. In fact, most "grunts" will never even MEET the President, let alone SAVE him.
> Mi"considers herself patriotic"a

I think someone sees war as being nothing more than a bunch of guys jumping on grenades for each other. And I'm pretty sure it's not Mia.

Warfare today just does not really support that. Warfare today = lots of airplanes, as well as bombs from far away so people don't get killed. The grunts just go in after and make sure there's nobody left. Especially living in a country that *has* such a technologically advanced military. Grunts are important, yes, but far less in this country than most anywhere else.

Obviously, I exaggerate some, but the point is that warfare today is *much* less reliant on grunt infantry now than it was even back during the Vietnam War. Grunt infantry today takes up space and keeps the civilians in line.

The Other "Or not. I don't pretend to be an expert on these matters." Matthew

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