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Re: Some questions for science majors
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2002, at 05:08:47
In Reply To: Some questions for science majors posted by Eric Sleator on Tuesday, June 18, 2002, at 18:48:55:

> Why do magnetic attractions exist?

So you can stick things on your refridgerator
with cute little magnets.

> Why do organisms have the instincts to
survive and to reproduce?

Because it's no fun not to.

> Why does gravity exist?

So we don't all go flying off into outer space
and die.

> How in the world did music come into
existence and become ingrained in virtually all
of humanity?

Hmmmmm. You asked the first three
questions as a diversionary tactic, didn't you?

Gri" 'how,' not 'why?' "shny

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