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Re: Video Game Annoyances
Posted By: Matthew, on host
Date: Friday, June 14, 2002, at 07:34:03
In Reply To: Video Game Annoyances posted by Faux Pas on Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 09:48:24:

> 1. End of line.

Lazy game design. The only difficulty in racing is overtaking the rest of the pack? Nonsense. Games that force you to start at the back are just hiding the fact that they've made it too easy once you're out in front.

> 2. Character profiles.
> Besides, if there's a character profile in the game manual, they just ran out of things to put in the game manual.

Or, they thought that the concept artwork was just too cool to throw away, and so needed a good reason to put it in the manual while we have to make do with a some twenty-polygon nightmare in-game.

> 3. Unlocking things.

Stop complaining and cheat. Use codes. Use trainers. Edit files. Half of the game is unlocking things, so if it bothers you that much just skip it.

> 4. Engrish.

I'd like to extend that to sloppy language in general. I make my fair share of spelling mistakes and grammatical foul-ups, and that's why I'm NOT EMPLOYED AS SOLE SCRIPTWRITER FOR A GAME. Dodgy language may not ruin a game as such, but it does make you kind of sneer at it in slight disgust. How can an entire team of professional writers and testers not know the difference between "its" and "it's"?

> 5. Gamespot going to a pay service.
> This isn't an actual video game annoyance as much as it is an annoyance at how they've done it.

Good. I was thinking for a moment that you were going to drone on about how it shouldn't be a pay service at all. So FP can ignore this bit, but all of you "information wants to be free" types, listen up. I expect to pay for professionally-written information that I couldn't get by myself. I don't walk into W.H. Smiths and expect to leave with an armload of magazines without coughing up. Why should I pay for mags and not online services? Oh, of course, because the only cost of producing a magazine is in the printing. Right. Note: sarcasm.

> 6. The time limit on Crazy Taxi

It's coming out on PC, so there'll be hacks and trainers floating around the net soon that will let you play forever*.
*until your system crashes.

I'd like to add two more.

7. Crates

Less crates, more level design, please. Enough said.

8. Not being able to get on/off ladders without nearly dying

Let me get this straight. I'm a highly-trained secret services operative, but I lack the ability to step off a ladder. Instead I have to leap off the bottom rung and break my legs. Or maybe I won't even make it onto the ladder in the first place, if I have to climb onto it (read: leap and hope I grab hold of it) from the top.


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