Re: Dreams
Lirelyn, on host
Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at 11:10:30
Re: Dreams posted by Tess on Sunday, June 9, 2002, at 21:58:29:
> Like it's been said before, dreams are very > funny. About 4 days ago, I began journaling my > dreams. I decided to start because every > night for the past 1 1/2 months I have had > some bizarre very insightful dream that would > hold some inner truth into my life. (The dream > I had about the megalomaniac cup didn't hold > any truth, though). At this same, I would > dream about creating something for a fashion > show, and I would be haunted the next day by > the garment until I drew it, then it would no > longer plague me. In these dreams, I dream > with suprising depth, and I can wake up and > know exactly how to construct something that > I'd never attempted before. When I show > these sketches to people, they usually look at > me with a "What the. . ." look in their eyes. I > just tell them I dream it up, literally, and now > it's my task (or whatever you want to call it) to > create it. > > Since I have began journaling my dreams, I > haven't found much deeper meaning or > whatnot, but pehaps someday something will > come of this! Atleast I'll be able to have a > fashion show from all this. . . > > -useless"I like The Matrix a lot, I do"ness > > Tess
I'm surprised you can remember the garments you see in your dreams. I have dreams where I create something, and it's marvellous, but when I wake up I absolutely cannot recreate it. Most often this happens when I'm close to waking up; a phrase of music will be playing in my head, which I know I've never heard before, but when I wake up I cannot remember how it went. This is one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had.
On the other hand, sometimes when I'm awake a phrase of music will pop into my head (once again, one I know I haven't heard), so maybe it's the dream ones coming back to me. I like to think so, if only to keep me from going mad at the loss of them.
I also have started having some dreams which seem full of significance, though I can't always figure out what they signify. What usually happens is I have a dream which is so odd and vivid that it compels me to write it down the moment I wake up. As I'm writing, I realize that some of the things which happened seem very deep and portentous, like the kinds of things one would see in a prophetic vision in a fantasy novel. For example, I dreamed a friend and I were walking down a path at school (though it didn't look like any actual place at school; this also happens often, that a place or person will be labeled as a real-world place or person, without looking anything like the real-world version) and we met someone we liked to tease because he was stupid (I'm not that mean in real life, I swear!) We tried to convince him that there was something (along the lines of a miniature dragon, I think) lying in the grass by the path, even though there wasn't. We almost had him convinced that there was something seriously wrong with his perception, when a child came up to where the dragon wasn't (we thought) and stabbed it with a crystal sword. We could see it then. It was very odd. Anyway. I love dreams like that, even though I'm not sure what to make of them.
I also have a lot of lucid dreams (where I know I'm dreaming). I can even, usually, tell when a dream is about to turn bad and gently push events in the opposite direction. When I do have nightmares, though, they're horrible, and haunt me for days.
Lire"could talk about dreams for hours, including detailed transcripts of ones she's had"lyn