Re: Level 8 & 9 - Help me find my way, please!!!
ang, on host
Friday, June 7, 2002, at 18:17:59
Level 8 & 9 - Help me find my way, please!!! posted by celia23 on Friday, June 7, 2002, at 17:32:38:
> Okay, I am sooooo frustrated ---- just a little hint to figure out level 9? Please?....I am a total loss. I can't open the doors on level 8. Finally found the chute to 10, but haven't a clue as to where to find the other half. Or the keys to the doors on 8!! > > Just a little hint, please. I have used map, and seen places on 9 (I guess the "secret garden") I haven't gone yet, but am clueless as to how to get there.... > > Please help without actually telling me what I need to know. > > Thanks!
The key to level 8 is on level 7.
Ang~ QUAKE this, Royal Escorts!!! ~ela
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