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Re: Interpretation
Posted By: Randy, on host
Date: Friday, May 24, 2002, at 12:10:30
In Reply To: Re: Interpretation posted by Norton Fleeing on Tuesday, May 21, 2002, at 23:49:53:

> I suspect that I'm out of my league in terms of thought and preparation on this issue, but I felt it would still be worthwhile to reply regardless.
> I am a Latter Day Saint, and like most other LDS members, I believe in personal revelation. By this I mean a completely subjective and arational (not irrational, incidentally) approach to belief. I know, for me at least, that the logical and rational parts of me were what formulated the question, not the answer.
> Going from un-belief to belief in God is difficult, if not impossible, but building belief in the question "Is there a God?" is quite possible. A person needs to believe that that is an important question, and a true question, a question that needs to be answered. Then, and only then, I believe, can you begin to answer that question.
> One other question that I can answer quite easily is why God doesn't make His existence obvious. The answer is that his existence was obvious before the creation of the earth, and he caused us to forget. The real question is why he did that.
> Norton Fleeing

I don't know if I should really post this, but is a question I would like to know...

Why do the Mormons NEED the Book of Mormon or the Doctorine of Covenants? Isn't the Bible enough?

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