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Re: I am a moron.
Posted By: Julian, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999, at 01:36:42
In Reply To: Re: I am a moron. posted by Darien on Tuesday, August 10, 1999, at 23:14:23:

> > Hear, here... hier? You know what I mean.
> > Well, I must say I agree. Very tactfully handled.
> >
> > Ah, man, is that gonna start up a whole new conversation?
> At least one reply. "Hear, hear." ;-}
> And, as usual, Sam comes through with something surprising: a very inventive way to get around the spamming without haveing to delete a large, robust conversation about how cool he is. ;-}

Isn't it about time in this puzzle-solving community that someone found the best (most creative, intelligent, inventive, etc.) way of declaring fan-dom to Sam?

No, seriously, it is good to have you back, Sam. I too was wondering how come I saw this message on two succesive visits to RW. I must admit I was thinking it to be a sign of Rinkoholism.

Jul"ICB* I made a post with part of the subject being "I am a moron""ian

* "I can't beleive" I'm writing this so many times. I feel the need to institutionalize it!