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Re: Summer Movies 2002
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 11:44:27
In Reply To: Re: Summer Movies 2002 posted by Wes on Wednesday, May 15, 2002, at 20:07:05:

> > Still, I think it's an important one to make: our personal tastes have the freedom to be what they may, but it's not fair to make a more objective call on a movie -- or ANY work -- based on what we *wanted* it to be.
> This seems like a nice idea, but then I have wonder *what* we are allowed to use...

That's not an easy question to answer. Still, that does not mean it is always unclear what things AREN'T valid to use. If I go see "Schindler's List" and say, "I THOUGHT THIS WAS A COMEDY, BUT IT WAS NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!!!!!!!!" that doesn't really say anything about the movie, does it?

If you even *hope* to be objective, you have to take the movie on its own terms. Consider what IT is and what is trying to be, instead of what YOU wanted it to be, or what you THOUGHT it was going to be, or what somebody else TOLD you it was.

That's not the end of the answer to that question, but I think it's a pretty uncontroversial beginning.

You are right in some sense, though. Ultimately we are not purely objective. Our personal perspectives always play a part. But there is still a distinction between our personal tastes and our personal perception of what IS objective.

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