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Re: Poetry reading
Posted By: LaZorra, on host
Date: Monday, May 13, 2002, at 13:34:47
In Reply To: Re: Poetry reading posted by Grishny on Monday, May 13, 2002, at 13:09:08:

> Although you may not like it, I think your
> English teacher is right. From what I can
> remember, since high school and throughout
> college, each and every English or Speech
> teacher I had taught the same thing. When we
> had to recite poetry in college speech lab, we
> lost points off our scores if we recited the
> poems line by line in what our teacher called
> a "singsong" pattern of voice. No, we had to do
> it the way your English teacher does.

It's good to know it's not just something *she* does.

> Can't say as it bothered me, either. It doesn't
> come naturally to recite words that are divided
> up into lines that way, but I think it makes
> poems sound niftier and less childlike. Or
> something. Whenever I recite a poem (which
> is hardly ever) I try to do it that way.

That does make sense, now that I think about it. I guess I always considered rhyming to be one of the main purposes of poems (one of the reasons I don't like most non-rhyming poetry). Thanks for broadening my horizons a little :-)

> Gri"always liked Robert Frost"shny

La"likes Frost too"Zorra

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