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I really did go "Huh?"
Posted By: Sigi, on host
Date: Monday, May 13, 2002, at 13:03:02

Just having a flick through the It's A Bad Bad Bad (ad nauseam) Movie Reader Reviews when I saw Quartz's review of Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster. The title wasn't familiar, but as I read the review something started to come back to me. I have seen that before, but when it was shown on TV where I live it was given the title "Ebirah, the Terror of the Deep." I loved that film, particularly the wonderful moment of Godzilla and Ebirah playing catch, but I really don't remember some of the stuff Quartz talked about. Are you sure Mothra beat up Godzilla? I just remember them learning to work together to defeat Giant Evil Lobster Ebirah. Anyway, what was that yellow stuff they defeated him with...

Oh yes, the reason I particularly liked the bit about Things that made you go "huh?" was that in the version I saw, there were only about four dub actors, so the most common noise in the movie wasa non-committal "Eeuuhh?" Absolute classic.

Si-"There was a point to posting this, but it has temporarily escaped my mind"-gi

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