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Hawaiian customs
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, May 10, 2002, at 17:25:07

There are some interesting customs in Hawaii that you may not know.

Hula is always danced barefoot.

Kapu is the Hawaiian word meaning "forbidden." It looks better on a sign than "keep out."

When driving on a two lane road, it is the custom to pull over and let faster cars pass. You should never hold up more than a car or two and you should let them pass at the first pull-off.

Aloha shirts should never be tucked in.

Elderly people are given great respect.

It is bad luck to remove any rocks or volcanic material from the islands. No such taboo applies to coral, the only other natural rock present.

Villages and cities often have the word "town" tacked on their name, as in, "I'm going to Honolulu town, tomorrow."

A stream is usually just called a stream, big streams are rare in Hawaii, but they may be called a river. Words like creek, brook, or banch are not used.

If a lava flow threatens your home, an offering such as a bottle of gin, may please Pelee', the goddess of the volcano, enough to protect your property. (And then again, maybe not.)

A common greeting between Hawaiians is to extend a fist with the thumb and little finger sticking out in opposite directions. Sometimes it is wiggled back and forth, and it is often accompanied by the words, "Hang loose, brudder."
This is a socially acceptable greeting, and is used much like a handshake.

Despite the warm climate, quilt making is a popular craft in Hawaii.

The wearing of bathing suits without a cover up on the streets in Waikiki is considered poor taste. On the beach, it's OK.

Flowers are worn by men and women of all ages.

Pineapple is served at almost every meal. Sometimes it is used as a garnish, much as we would use parsley. Most people don't eat the parsley, but the pineapple seldom goes to waste.

In the days when visitors came by boat, it was the custom to throw flowers on the water as you sailed away. It they floated ashore, that meant that you were coming back. If they floated out to sea, you might never return. However, from a departing ship, the flowers always seemed to be heading for the beach.

On Oahu, directions are given a little differently. Mauka, means toward the mountains. Makai means toward the ocean. Diamondhead means toward the volcanic cone by that name. And Ewa means toward town, Ewa, which is west of Pearl Harbor. First time visitors need to know that the mountains are north, the ocean south, Diamondhead east and Ewa west.

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