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Re: Good Movie Caution
Posted By: 10Kan, on host
Date: Thursday, May 9, 2002, at 16:42:40
In Reply To: Re: Good Movie Caution posted by Darien on Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 20:52:46:

[most o' post passed]

> But I don't understand people who *refuse* to think; my mother, for example, refuses to watch any foreign films, because reading subtitles is "too much work." I don't get that at all.

My dad, brother and two cousins were like that too when we went to see "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" I loved it, while my cousins (both 16) didn't stay awake and my dad and brother thought that reading subtitles was too difficult. I have no idea where I got my genes.
> So, for my part, I understand why mindless blockbusters are, in fact, blockbusters; people are easy to sell on things like that. What I don't understand isn't the popularity of those, but the unwillingness of the masses to think.

Lately, I've had too much interest in the mindless stuff. I really want to see "Dark City", but I can't find it anywhere around the college.

10"This's personal!"Kan

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