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Re: Two, Two, Two posts in one!
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Sunday, August 8, 1999, at 12:26:43
In Reply To: Re: Two, Two, Two posts in one! posted by Stephen on Sunday, August 8, 1999, at 09:36:33:

> Well, after reading about the BWP during Sundance, it became one of my three most anticipated movies of the year (the other two being Star Wars and the still upcoming Dogma). I saw BWP during it's initial limited release (when it was at like 27 theaters) a few weeks ago and I drove 45 minutes to see it.

that's cool. I thought I was going to have to travel far too, until i looked at out local theater, and BAM! there is was. just like that.

> What I saw was not exactly what I expected to get. The majority of the movie is not scary in the least. It has a very slow build up and pace that is frustrating because of all the hype. Yet the parts that do work are amazing. The scenes in the night are excellent and the entire climax is so creepy and great that it's hard to describe. The slow build up has an awesome pay-off and I think the movie is worth seeing for that alone.

I don't think the beginning was that slow, but that's just my opinion. But I do agree with everything else you said. Also, I think one of the 'scariest' things is the way it's filmed. I mean, I knew what to expect because of all the things I've read about it, but I had no idea how it would make me feel.

> However, it is still not scary in terms of what we've been taught is scary in movies. There's no musical build up or sharp piano chords. The movie is scariest after it's over and you get to contemplate all the earlier events in light of the ending. I read one review that said something along the lines of "BWP didn't scare me while I was watching it, but it sure did make me aware of every little sound in my house as I was trying to sleep that night." I agree with that statement a lot. It's an interesting movie to see and if you can handle the slow pacing I think you'll like it a lot.

well it did make my heart pound at some points, but yeah, i was more afraid after the movie ended than when it was actually showing.

> And Famous -- consider seeing the "6th Sense" (what's with Bruce Willis being in movies with numbers in their titles? "6th Sense", "12 Monkeys," "The 5th Element," etc.) instead of a second showing of BWP. It's similar in that it has a sort of slow build up with a weird ending. It features a couple traditional scares (all of which I saw coming) but the emphasis is more on a creepy atmosphere and the characters. Reminded me of BWP in some ways that it was only sort of a scary movie. And of course you could always check out "The Haunting" which is one of the funniest bad movies I've seen in some time.

i do want to see 6th sense, and i plan on seeing it too. but "the haunting"? i don't know...looks pretty cliche...

> Ste "At night. In the dark. Nine miles away" phen

fam "Also at night. Also in the dark. Right next to your face." ous

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