Relocation Engineering
Grishny, on host
Tuesday, April 30, 2002, at 06:20:15
When we moved out of our apartment last year, I had a total of three people helping me, but never at the same time. It took hours and hours to get everything relocated, and it probably took at least five or six trips, since we only had one pickup truck and one minivan, but never both at the same time.
Last night, I called in two of my old high school buddies (including the Scotsman), my brother-in-law, and my dad to come out and help me move all our stuff out of storage and into the new house. One of my buddies brought his brother along, so that made six men including myself. I borrowed our large church van and trailer, plus we had the pickup truck, minivan, and two sedans.
We completed the whole process in under two hours. We arrived at the storage facility at 7:05, and got started around 7:10. We were loaded up and ready to go at 7:58. After a 25-minute drive to the new house, we did the same in reverse.
"Too many cooks spoil the broth" may be true in the kitchen, but when it comes to relocation engineering, "many hands make light work" is the adage I'll choose to go with.
Gri"many, many thanks to all who participated"shny