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Heeellllp meeeee
Posted By: Chris, on host
Date: Thursday, August 5, 1999, at 15:11:32

Arg. Y'all are really starting to frustrate me. I have the latest half a dozen--prob'ly more-- posts on the recent page and there's nothing new to read. Sure, I mean, I could go through old posts, but where's the fun in that? It takes too much work. Of course, if I replied to all those old posts, I could take over the recent page...heh heh heh-- concept. So, I have, like, all day since I'm sick and don't have to work and it's the only time in my history of being here I can remember that there weren't enough posts to read. So, I could start something really controverial that would get a lot of posts, like Creation vs. Evolutionary Theory [mega] or something, but what would be the point? Nobody'd read it. Come on, I mean, somebody has to be using company time to go online. So, please, write something-- before I'm forced to take drastic measures... whatever they may be.
I'm feeling very alone, here. You should all feel bad.

Ch"too much time on her hands over Summer vacation and is only now realizing posting something online isn't going to make people log on since they can't read it"ris

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