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Re: Sight.
Posted By: Lirelyn, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2002, at 13:25:06
In Reply To: Re: Sight. posted by Fuzzpilz on Wednesday, March 13, 2002, at 06:54:40:

> Congratulations. I've grown too used to my glasses to get anything of the sort (and my eyes are only -1.5 and -1.75 in any case), but I suspect being able to see properly without any additional devices rules. If my eyes ever get bad enough to require better glasses, perhaps adaptive optics will be far enough by then and I'll be able to spend a lot of money on adaptive glasses, which currently only exist as a (working) experiment the size of a table and adapt to the exact bumps and deformations of one's eyes.
> Fuzzpilz

That reminds me... anyone hear the story about Drew Carey getting eye surgery? Afterwards, he appeared on a talk show (I want to say Leno) and he was still wearing his big black-rimmed glasses. When asked, he laughed and said he'd realized after the surgery that he'd built this entire TV persona on being a chubby guy with dorky glasses. So he still wears them.

Lire"thought that was really funny"lyn

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