Re: Violent Tendancies
Howard, on host
Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 17:51:13
Re: Violent Tendancies posted by Stephen on Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 14:17:12:
If someone is tailgating you, change lanes and yield. This is logically the smartest thing to do, right? Why deal with having somebody driving dangerously close to you when the one concession you have to make is to move a few yards to the right? > > Ste "If you're not going to go at least 70, you belong in neither the fast lane NOR the carpool lane," phen
Good advice. But you can't always change lanes. I travel I-75 and I-40 a lot and on two-lanes-in-each-direction sections, there is often a train of trailer trucks in the right lane. As soon as you start by, Mr. Roadrage shows up behind you. Even if you get a chance to slip in between two 40 ton 18 wheelers, you don't do it because you are going to be trapped in there for a while. And that is not a safe place.
Sometimes I take several miles to get by a string of trucks only to top a hill and have them zoom by at 80 so that I have to pass them all over again. They go 60 up hill and 80 down when the speed limit is 70.
I'm going to hit I-40 for a couple of hours tomorrow morning. How"cringe"ard
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