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Re: Lying About One's Age
Posted By: Mau-Evig, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 09:01:52
In Reply To: Lying About One's Age posted by Grishny on Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 07:42:21:

>Why do people make such a big deal
about 40,

My guess is, it's a good number to begin with. It's an even, divisable by five number, and the last ten years before you're really considered old. People lie about their age because they don't want to admit to the fact that they're old. Yet there are a select few who are proud of that age. Turning forty doesn't always mean they're old, some people may believe they are running out of time.

I doubt that people believe they will live to be exactly eighty, yet no one knows for certain.

>Why not stop at 35 or 27 or 19?

It's not really one of those dramatic ages, 40 is one of the big ones. But 40 isn't the only one, there's dirty 30, and 50, and 60 and so on. I can't really explain it, it just kind of like an endpoint.

>(I've never heard of a 22-year old saying "I'mnineteen; that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!")

This is true, but younger people tend to do the opposite. For example, people might lie if they're like 18, that they're 21 to buy alcohol, or someone who's 15 might go ahead and say they're 16. Doesn't usually work, but hey y'know.

And a lot of times, it's evil, and it's creul, people will be 30 some years old, and fool a young teenager into thinking that they're 16 too, to pick them up.

Maybe it's just me, I could be right, I could be wrong. That's just my theory. I hope that it explains something. If not, well, I tried.

-Mau(only 16 years old and if I'm lieing then I'm a goat)Evig

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