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Re: Site Market "loser"
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Friday, October 30, 1998, at 11:12:09
In Reply To: Site Market "loser" posted by John W. on Friday, October 30, 1998, at 11:05:07:

> Sam, how hard can it possibly be to lose money in a stock market situation? Granted, you started out pretty well [er, badly, which is to say that you were doing a good job of losing], but since then you've actually _gained_ a billion dollars.

I know -- and my "sam" player, the one I'm *trying*
to win money with, lost money last night. *sigh*

Anyway, frankly it's just as hard if not harder to
lose money (in the Site Market Game, that is -- it's
easy to lose it in the real stock market) as it
is to gain it. The logistics of the game are mostly
the same, it's just in reverse. You buy high and
sell low. The trick is that the more you lose,
the less you have to invest in losing stocks. Not
that "loser" is at that point yet.

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