How a recital made me think of Howard ...
Mike, the penny-stamp man, on host
Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 23:25:01
OK, my senior vocal recital was Thursday night. Been working on that 1/2-hour set since August, knew the music cold. It went great, with the accompanist, the crowd, and myself all seeming pleased with the program.
But what i wasn't expecting was the reception. The campus art gallery is housed in the fine arts building and is where receptions usually take place. A new exhibit opened today, just in time for my post-performance pig-out (ok, so we had chicken salad, fruit, and creme puffs). The new exhibit is a quilting show. It was neat. I even recognized a "wedding ring" quilt, and i owe that to you, Howard! Thanks. *sniff*
Penny "I particularly liked the bizarre Mt. Etna quilt" stamp