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Re: For Serious Rinkies Only
Posted By: Bourne, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2002, at 00:14:42
In Reply To: For Serious Rinkies Only posted by Minamoon on Tuesday, February 19, 2002, at 18:43:07:

> I am working on a super-secret project. As this is a Rinkworks related type of thing, I need your help. So here's what I'd like you to do...
> Tell me about how you arrived at Rinkworks. What (or who) brought you here, why you stayed, and if you have it, a date would be excellent. Email me or post and I'll try to remember to save the replies. :-}

Well, I first started coming to Rinkworks because my friend Allan emailed me a link to "Don't throw a brick straight up".

That would have been about...oh...say August 1998.

But I didn't start using Rinkchat for about another year, and it wasn't until late 2000 that I became a regular chatter.

Does that help?

Bo"Its so damned addictive"urne

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