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For entertainment purposes only
Posted By: TOM, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2002, at 08:37:30

Every year at this time, the Student Senate in
my high school runs what is called the "Data
Match." You fill out a questionnaire of about 35
questions or so, mail them to some company,
who then runs them through a computer, and
prints out a list of the ten members of the
opposite sex who answered the highest
percentages of questions the same as you.
Then you pay a dollar for your results, and the
money goes to Student Senate, although I'm
not sure what it is that we *do* with the money.

Anyways, every year my "matches" tend to be
in the low 40% range. Everyone else I know
usually has one or two over 60, and the rest in
the mid-to-high 50s. So I thought I would try
this with the other group I tend to be around a

So, I borrowed the questions, put them up on
my web site, turned them into a nifty little form,
and now you can answer them, and see how
comparable you are to your fellow Rinkies.
And I won't charge you a dollar to tell you.

The Other "You'll have to check back frequently
for updates though, as I'm not leet enough to
have anything that automatically compares the
answers for me, so I must do it manually. And
before anyone says it, yes some of those
questions are pretty dumb." Matthew

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