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Re: What you really, really want
Posted By: Joanna, on host
Date: Thursday, January 17, 2002, at 12:38:30
In Reply To: What you really, really want posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 03:40:48:

I want to have the closest relationship with God as is humanly possible!
I would like to find out where my Irish ancestors lived and visit there.
I also hope to find out which Native American tribe was on my Great Grandfather's side. ( I haven't started either search yet. I am not sure why.)

I finally got my GED which was a BIG thing to me! This has been on my "to do" list for a long time. I took my last 2 tests in Dec. and found out 2 weeks ago that I have pasted them. That may not sound like much but it took me 13 years to get up the nerve to try for it....and I did it! So I guess that doesn't count since I have done it already...who am I kidding? I just wanted to share my news!

I want to get my children's book published. yet another thing that I'm procrastinating on!

I would like homes on the beach in NC , and either Washington or Oregon. I woud also like a home in the mountains of NC.

I would love to be a photographer!

I want a large garden with a labyrinth and all

I want to travel all over the world!
And I want to ride on a horse.

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