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Re: What you really, really want
Posted By: Lirelyn, on host
Date: Thursday, January 17, 2002, at 12:18:54
In Reply To: What you really, really want posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 03:40:48:

Well, I'm more or less new here, and I thought this would be a fantastic thread to introduce myself on. I'm horribly unversed (it's a word now) in the etiquette of online communities, so I decided to just dive in. I've been exploring the RinkWorks site for about a month and getting ridiculously excited at how beautifully the features correspond to my most passionate interests.

Here's my wish list, the trivial and the profound:

-To write lots of good books; ideally, to become a well-known writer in several genres, and at the very least, to add two or three books to the stock of excellent children's fantasy stories (of which I could never get enough as a girl).

-To own a sailboat, and to live on it for maybe a month out of every year (learning to sail would be good, too, I suppose.)

-To learn how to arrange the bits of melody that come to me every so often into playable piano compositions.

-To ride in a glider or hot-air balloon (or both!)

-To play Eliza Doolittle in a production of My Fair Lady.

-To see my best friend come to know the God I serve.

-To find a group of writer friends that I can sit and discuss both writing and anything else of interest with, akin to Lewis and Tolkien's Inklings.

-To own Beach Island, a tiny island in Maine currently owned by friends of my grandparents. It has three houses, no electricity and little running water, and it is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

-To learn to fence.

-To learn to dance (ballroom and swing).

-To spend several weeks to several months in each of the following places: Greece, England (and Wales and pretty much anywhere else in the British Isles), Morocco, and New York.

-To produce/direct an excellent movie version of The Chronicles of Narnia (in seven separate movies, of course). I wanted to do Lord of the Rings but I've been beaten to it. I'd enjoy doing my own version of those, too, though.

-While I'm thinking about C.S. Lewis, to complete his unfinished story The Dark Tower, for my own pleasure if not for publication.

-To own a white '69 Corvette Stingray.

-To make enough money to be able to give generously to mission work, churches, and worthy academic institutions and publications, whenever I feel led to.

That'll do for now. Cheers!

--Lire"When in Rome..."lyn

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