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Re: What you really, really want
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 15:58:26
In Reply To: What you really, really want posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 03:40:48:

assume you have no restrictions such as money, age limit, the pressure of family or society, or the general difficulty of being in a position to do it. Assume you are allowed to do ANYTHING, short of things which cannot currently be done by *anyone*.

I had to really really think about this. Even given the lack of restrictions listed above, I have a hard time disassociating the *cost* (in time/effort/$ or psychic energy) from the goal, which makes a lot of things fall into the "I don't *really really* want to do that, at least not at that cost" category. Plus, I suppose I am fairly content, or at least too practical to spend time eating my heart out on regrets or missed opportunities. However, having said that, I still did come up with a few, however incompatible they may be with each other...

1) To add a daughter to my family. It's (grits teeth and says it) conceivable*, but not likely at this point in my life. So, I will have to wait 10-15 years and hope for a daughter-in-law. Along the same lines, I do look forward to grandchildren.

2) To sing in an unabridged production of Handel's Messiah. I'm not asking for a solo or anything, just stick me in the alto section and I'll be happy.

3) To edit fiction. Or non-fiction, (just not technical manuals or newspapers). I seem to be often cast into this role anyway by workmates, friends and family; maybe I have a knack for it-- (not that you can always tell from my posts here, though, which are often done with one eye on dinner cooking in the kitchen or late at night).
Yes, wannabe writers, there are wannabe editors too.

4) To play the violin, or maybe the mandolin.
I play the guitar (poorly) and was told I would probably do better on a smaller instrument (small hands?). I play the piano too (better than the guitar) but it's not exactly portable.

5) Pole-vaulting! Yes, I said pole-vaulting :-) Now that this sport is opened up to women, I think it looks outrageously fun! Run, plant, fly! Of course I'd have to be younger, stronger, and a lot better coordinated than I am now, but, heh, I could live with that ;-)

6) Some days, all I really want is to get in the car and drive. Drive for a couple hours wherever the road takes me, without having to explain anything to anyone, without preocupation about any obligations. I probably wouldn't need more than 48 hours of this "Route 66" fantasy at a time, before I got bored or lonely. That's not asking for much, is it? ;-)

koala"left out the 'givens', like staying healthy, and growing in my spiritual life"mom


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