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Re: What you really, really want
Posted By: Cynthia, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 13:18:53
In Reply To: What you really, really want posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 03:40:48:

Hrm. After several boring classes' worth of thought:

- I realise that my conceptions of God are rather different from the norm around here, but I, too, have a higher power to serve in whatever way I can.

- Yes, I'd like to get married, but before I even dream of such a thing, I need to establish my own independence first. That is where I've made my primary mistake (oh, believe me, there are others) in my previous relationships, and I don't want to do that again. So I have to be self-sufficient before I embark on any more partnerships.

- Learn to help other people as much as I possibly can without compromising my own safety and sanity. This is the hardest line in the world for me to walk.

- Get my doctorate in English rhetoric. This is something I've always wanted to do, and even though I'm currently considering a teaching career, I'd get this degree just for my own personal satisfaction. (Though a masters' in library and information science would also be cool, as it's the only "science" degree I'd ever manage to slog through. ;))

- Finish one novel or one book of poetry, whichever gets done first and doesn't suck.

- Finish whichever one of those didn't get done first.

- Learn to fence. One of my neighbors in the dorm is taking a fencing class, and it's just so very, very cool. If not fencing, archery.

- Be technologically adept enough to be able to build my own computer. Being able to understand all the programming jokes around here would be really nice, too. ;)

- Become fluent in Spanish.

- Act in a stage play.

- Return to the piano, actually study the theory, and get good at it this time around. I'd also like to work on my singing as well; people keep telling me I have a good voice, but it's totally untrained and I know it could probably be so much better if I really worked at it. I would also love to be able to write music and lyrics.

- There's this street in the Highlands of Louisville that has these absolutely big, old, beautiful houses. I used to pass these houses every week when my grandparents took me to church, and I've always, always wanted to live in one of them. Barring that, a house with a fireplace and a bay window with a windowseat will suffice.

- And while I'm at it, I'd like a pony. A gray one, please. Not to mention a cat and, of course, a Siamese fighting fish in a bowl on the nightstand. :)

-Cynth"And that's me in a nutshell, I suppose."ia

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